Explosion-proof sound and light alarm

Explosion-proof sound and light alarm
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Model: BBJ
متخصص در تحقیقات و توسعه روشنایی صنعتی، تولید و فروش شرکت های ملی با تکنولوژی بالا
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Light source: LED
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm flicker frequency: 150/min
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Wattage: 5W
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Temperature class: T1 to T6
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm IP Code: IP66
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Certification:  ExdeIICT6Gb/ExtDA21
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Ambient temp: -40℃ to +40℃/55℃

Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Scope of application and use
مناسب برای منطقه 1 و منطقه 2 از محیط گاز انفجاری؛
◆Suitable for combustible dust environment 20, 21, 22;
◆Suitable for IIA, IB, IC explosive gas environment;
◆Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1 ~ T6;
◆Suitable for explosive hazardous environments such as oil refining, storage, chemical industry, medicine, military industry and military facilities;
◆Using high-brightness LED light source, low energy consumption, long life, maintenance-free.
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Features
✧The shell is made of aluminum alloy die-casting, and the surface is sprayed with high-voltage electrostatic spray after shot blasting;
. There are four optional signal colors: red, yellow, blue, and green;
◆Light structure, beautiful appearance;
◆Specially designed sealing structure, the protection level reaches IP66;
◆A variety of explosion-proof treatment forms are combined, and the explosion-proof performance is reliable;
◆Flexible and diverse installation methods, suitable for different occasions and different environments;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel with high anti-corrosion performance;
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Main technical parameters
Exde IICT6Gb/ExtD21
flicker frequency
Pedestal, Wall Mount, Ceiling Mount
Temperature: -40~45C
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Order Notice
. Please specify if there are special requirements for rated voltage.
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp
Explosion-proof strong light floodlight
Infield explosion-proof light
Explosion-proof floodlight
Explosion-proof road lights
Explosion-proof anti-corrosion all-plastic fluorescent lamp
◆Using high-brightness LED light source, low energy consumption, long life, maintenance-free.
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Features
✧The shell is made of aluminum alloy die-casting, and the surface is sprayed with high-voltage electrostatic spray after shot blasting;
. There are four optional signal colors: red, yellow, blue, and green;
◆Light structure, beautiful appearance;
◆Specially designed sealing structure, the protection level reaches IP66;
◆A variety of explosion-proof treatment forms are combined, and the explosion-proof performance is reliable;
◆Flexible and diverse installation methods, suitable for different occasions and different environments;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel with high anti-corrosion performance;
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Main technical parameters
Exde IICT6Gb/ExtD21
flicker frequency
Pedestal, Wall Mount, Ceiling Mount
Temperature: -40~45C
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Order Notice
. Please specify if there are special requirements for rated voltage.
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp
Explosion-proof strong light floodlight
Infield explosion-proof light
Explosion-proof floodlight
Explosion-proof road lights
Explosion-proof anti-corrosion all-plastic fluorescent lamp
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel with high anti-corrosion performance;
Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Main technical parameters
مدل BBJ
علامت ضد انفجار Exde IICT6Gb/ExtD21
ولتاژ امتیازی. AC36V/110V/220V;DC12/24/36V
منبع نور چراغ
flicker frequency 150/min
قدرت امتیازی 5W
شار نورانی LED 500Im
کلاس حفاظت آی پی۶۶
درجه ضد خوردگی دبلیو اف۲
تاپیک اینلت G3/4"
مشخصات کابل متوسط 7 متوسط 12mm
روش نصب. Pedestal, Wall Mount, Ceiling Mount
محیط کار Temperature: -40~45C
طول عمر ≥10000H

Explosion-proof sound and light alarm Order Notice
. Please specify if there are special requirements for rated voltage.
  1. در هنگام سفارش، لطفا یک به یک با توجه به مدل محصول را انتخاب کنید.
  2. این لامپ هنگام ترک کارخانه به منبع تغذیه و نور مجهز شده است.
  3. لامپ ها می توانند به روش های مختلف نصب مجهز شوند.
  4. این شرکت از خدمات OEM/ODM پشتیبانی می کند، لطفاً برای الزامات دقیق با مدیر حساب تماس بگیرید

طرح آزاد



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